Welcome to APAC RA-EWG website!
Contents of RA-EWG website are summarized here. Please refer to each link for more information.
About usLINK
RA-EWG Goal, Leader's Message and Membership

Goal and Approach of RA-EWG
Our Approaches Task A: Good Registration ManagementLINK
The concept of GRM is to promote both Good Review Practice (GRevP) by the reviewers and Good Submission Practice (GSubP) by the applicants cooperatively

Task A: APAC Position PaperLINK
Objectives of APAC Position Paper to support promotion of GRevP
To provide high level suggestions and proposals to the regulatory authorities from the viewpoint of industry.

Task B: Convergence of NDA RequirementsLINK
The goal is to promote regulatory convergence in Asia by supporting adoption and implementation of the internationally harmonized regulatory guidelines and practices by the regulatory authorities
Training: Under constructionLINK
Training information of Good Registration Management will be available.
Analysis report
Identification and Clarification of the Differences in Regulatory Requirements among Asian Economies on the areas of IND, NDA, Clinical Trials and GMP Evaluation System
Deliverables from APAC annual conference
GSubP Guideline, APAC Good Registration Management Position Paper, etc., related to RA-EWG activities on GRM, Task A or Task B
Events CalenderLINK
Key activities by APAC RA-EWG
Ministry Health, Regulatory Authorities or Pharmaceutical Associations related to RA-EWG member countries